NP Reintroduces Facility Tours to its Lubricants Plant
With the installation of its new state-of-the-art filling line, NP has reintroduced tours throughout its manufacturing facilities at the Lube Oil Blending Plant (LOBP). In the first of many scheduled visits, on 2018 July 24th NP welcomed ten (10) Automotive Technician Trainees from the National Energy Skills Centre (NESC). Accompanied by their tutor, the trainees visited the Plant as part of their study tour to learn and understand what goes into quality lubricants and were given a memorable first-hand experience into NP’s operations.
The tour commenced early in the morning with the entourage first receiving a safety briefing after which they visited the LOBP where they were introduced to Ultra’s wide range of products. Here the trainees were intrigued and in awe as they learned of Ultra’s certifications from the American Petroleum Institute (API) and Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) for vehicles made by Mercedes Benz, Jaguar, Renault, Volkswagen, Porche, Ford, General Motors and Land Rover, and were enlightened about Ultra’s unique blend designed to meet the demands of our local tropical conditions.
To highlight the significant investment NP has made into its portfolio of products, the tour continued with a visit to the new bottling filling operations where the trainees enjoyed an up-close view of the machinery with the various filling lines: two (2) semi-automatic palletised drum/IBC filling lines, one (1) automated gallon filling line, one (1) fully automatic quart filling line and one (1) automated pail filling line, together with the new filler /capper machine. Their reaction to the impressive high-tech robotic arm of the filling line was indeed priceless as the trainees expressed amazement at the precision and speed of the machinery, and the quality control measures in place.
Located within the same area, the trainees got a glimpse into the research and development aspect of NP’s operations when visiting the Laboratory (Lab). In the Lab, NP’s premier testing and research facility, they witnessed the quality base oils and additives used in NP’s blending process, observed demonstrations of viscosity tests done on lubricants and conducted a used oil analysis.
Indeed, Ultra’s success has always been underpinned by our customer-centric approach, achievement of international certifications, continuous product innovation and our continued investment in our brand.
Corporate Communications Department
NP House, Sea Lots POS

Focused on learning: NESC Automotive Technician Trainees pay close attention as the blending process at LOBP is explained.

Bottling Excellence: the trainees are educated on the bottling process at LOBP.