Platinum 2 in 1 Fuel Injector Cleaner + Cetane Booster

Platinum 2 in 1 Fuel Injector Cleaner + Cetane Booster is a fully synthetic, ultra-high performance product formulated with the revolutionary new Zero Series diesel deposit control additive.
- Increases cetane number by 8*
- Increases fuel economy by up to 10%
- Improves engine startup and reliability.
- Cleans internal diesel injector deposits (IDID), indirect injection (IDI) and high-speed direct injection (HSDI) nozzles
- Provides lubricity to entire fuel system
- Prevent fuel injector sticking and failure
- Improve engine responsiveness, drivability, and engine noise reduction
- Reduces smoke and odor
- Will not harm vehicle emissions equipment
Main Applications:
- Designed for all diesel engines, in particular, today’s new High-Pressure Common Rail (HPCR) diesel injection systems.
- Safe for use with all types of diesel exhaust emission systems equipment, including diesel particulate filters (DPFs) and catalytic converters.
- Not recommended for gasoline engines.