Celebrating the legacy of the Senator the Honourable Franklin Khan (1957 – 2021)

The MEASURE of a man is in the LEGACY he leaves behind.
The Trinidad & Tobago National Petroleum Marketing Company Limited (NP) celebrates the life and work of Senator the Honourable Franklin Khan, Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, a remarkable leader who devoted his life to public service and to improving the lives of all citizens.
As Minister of Energy and Energy Industries and a former Chairman of NP, Franklin Khan was one of a kind and made a significant contribution to the growth and transformation of the Energy sector. He will long be remembered for infusing a refreshed sense of direction and purpose, and his vision for the future of the Energy sector will remain a strong reference point as the country continues to chart the future course for this industry. Few men have the unique strength, courage and sensitivity that Minister Khan lived every single minute, of every single day. He impacted so many lives and was a source of inspiration for countless others.
The Chairman, Board of Directors, Management and Staff at NP extend condolences to his family, friends and many close colleagues.
NP is thankful for his dedicated service and contribution over the years and will continue to honour his memory by upholding his legacy of personal and professional excellence.