Standing on the backs of giants, young Maccarius Lochan, son of 6-time National Champion, Ainsley Lochan, is now leaving his own mark in the field of Kart Racing. Ultra Ambassador, ‘Rossi’ as he is fondly known in the Kart racing circuit at just the age of 10 years old, is a testament to the bright future of Motor Sports in Trinidad &Tobago.
‘Rossi’ has been competitively racing in Go-Karting since 2012 at the tender age of six. Through natural talent and determination, Rossi has honed his skills and have already accomplished several podium finishes between the years 2012 – 2014. The Cadet class has eight (8) children ranging from ages ten to thirteen, with Rossi being one of two ten year olds in this Class. For a child at the age of ten to already find a passion and a purpose speaks volumes.
Ultimately, as our youngest Ultra Brand Ambassador, it is Rossi’s talent, not his youth that really singles him out in the field of Kart Racing. Equipped with an assured racing style that belies his years, we can be rest assured that the Ultra Brand and our future are in great hands.